Map of the St. Marys United Church
There are 3 entrances into the church
- Main Entrance door, at the Southeast corner of the building (wheelchair accessible)
-Door at the Southwest corner of the building (there are steps at that entrance)
- Dorr at the Northeast corner of the building, which is closer to the church hall (wheelchair accessible)
Parking for visitations:
There is the church parking lot that can be accessed from Elgin St. and Church St.
There is additional street parking on Church St. and Elgin St.
Parking for a funeral when there is a procession to a cemetery:
Lines of vehicles will be formed, starting a the Northeast corner of the property, vehicles facing Elgin St.
Please enter the parking lot from Church St. and drive around the building
- Those not going to the cemetery are invited to use the street parking
Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home Ltd.
47 Wellington Street South, PO Box 304
St. Marys, Ontario
N4X 1B2
Phone: 1 (519) 284-2820
Text: (519) 520-0478
Fax: 1 (855) 719-1796