St. Marys Cemetery Fees
Prices for 2025
Purchase of Casket Plot
- Holds one casket and four urns over a casket burial
- Resident $1691.04
- Non-Resident $2173.51
(Prices includes cost of land, care & maintenance fee and HST)
Purchase of Columbarium Niche
- Holds two urns
- Cost includes bronze scroll name plate and HST
- Resident $3592.80
- Non-Resident $3870.79
(Prices includes cost of land, care & maintenance bronze scroll & HST)
Interment fees:
Costs include Registration fee & HST
April 16 - Nov 30, Monday to Friday
- Casket burial Resident: $1461.37
- Casket burial Non-Resident: $1642.50
- Urn $736.86
(same fee for urn burial or interment in the columbarium)
April 16 - Nov 30, Saturday (overtime fee)
- Casket burial Resident: $2783.66
- Casket burial Non-Resident: $2964.79
- Urn ground burial: $1285.10
- Urn in columbarium: $1017.11
Winter Burial Dec 1 - April 15, Monday to Friday
- Casket burial Resident: $1762.72
- Casket burial Non-Resident: $11943.85
- Urn $1038.21 (same fee for in ground and columbarium interments)
Winter Burial Dec 1 - April 15, Saturday (overtime fee)
- Casket burial Resident: $3046.50
- Casket burial Non-Resident: $3227.63
- Urn ground burial: $1570.48
- Urn in columbarium: $1330.78
Winter casket storage at Avondale Cemetery in Stratford: $369.69
Please note: St. Marys Cemetery will do burials in the winter. Winter casket storage is for casket burials that are scheduled in smaller country cemeteries outside of the St. Marys that close during the winter months.
Chapel Rental at the cemetery (includes HST)
- Resident: $109.28
- Non Resident: $266.08
Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home Ltd.
47 Wellington Street South, PO Box 304
St. Marys, Ontario
N4X 1B2
Phone: 1 (519) 284-2820
Text: (519) 520-0478
Fax: 1 (855) 719-1796